Page 361

EmilyTheStrange on Aug. 29, 2007

No crit on this plzkthx, I know its not good. D: Expect a better update next time. ^^'
Whats this? Tabbi has fashion expertise? Tabbi actually does something besides bitch and screw up in the game? Why yes, she likes to design clothes. She's a horrible artist, but she can get her ideas across. ^^ She also likes to read manga and write really steamy fanfics. XD;

Stupid Otaku. >o>

Two cameos in this one. ^_^ First is Kate, Magick?'s resident red head slut in a Victoria's Secret poster in panels 1 and 2 and the other is Puff the Friendly Zombie from The Cure in the last panel. Why's there a zombie looking at her watch in the mall? Because she's going to see Transformers, thats why! D< GAWD~!


Also, I know I say it everytime, but your readership means a lot. Thanks guys!