Unplug the Jukebox

antcomics on Nov. 27, 2007

And here is the August page for the Antcomics 2008 Calendar! Yeaa!

For June and July, I did summer themes. So I decided to do something different for August. If any of you have ever seen the video for ‘Antmusic’, you'll get it right away. For those deprived souls who haven't, there is a scene in it where the Ants unplug a giant plug from a giant outlet (when they say “unplug the jukebox” of course)…this is a cartoon rendition of that.

Except in mine, Terry Lee stuck his finger in the outlet…not a big surprise.

No big holidays happen in August, so I really could do whatever I pleased with this one. I like how it turned out.

FTW, I have stuck my finger in an outlet. I was a little kid though, and I don't think my skeleton showed.