patrickdevine on Nov. 4, 2008
I fell short of my Halloween deadline for finishing this minicomic. Most of the pages I haven't even inked yet, but now I sort of feel obligated to finish this. Since a sudden revival of VUS and War of the Bands and already doing a weekly comic I'm gonna be pretty busy with comic stuff for a while. In fact I feel tired thinking about it!
PIT_FACE at 7:15AM, March 17, 2009
hahahaha! love it!
The Real Macabre at 9:38PM, Dec. 2, 2008
That creeps the bajeebuz out of me.
patrickdevine at 12:29AM, Nov. 6, 2008
@Warped: NEVER!
Warpedwenger at 10:02PM, Nov. 5, 2008
That's cool or you can SUBMIT TO MEH!
patrickdevine at 3:57PM, Nov. 5, 2008
@Warped: Yeah, no kidding! Don't be too surprised if it takes me too long to retaliate on VUS. @spiritmonkey: Thanks! @amanda: I'm glad that that panel was creepy to at least one person, I was going for a Goya-esque look but I don't think I quite hit that mark.
amanda at 6:03AM, Nov. 5, 2008
You can do it, Patrick! Wooooo! I can help out with art if you need/want me to on WotB. That's a really creepy body. I can't watch shaving scenes in movies - I just KNOW they're gonna cut themselves (even though they usually don't) - but anyway, this is what I automatically think will be the outcome of every shaving scene in every movie ever.
Warpedwenger at 10:19PM, Nov. 4, 2008
You're gon'na be a busy man! Like me always that's about all I ever do is draw... Well that and Xbox live!