Space Slave End.

bravo1102 on July 2, 2018

The End. There could have been a little image of Michelle with her head down on a school desk but I just wanted this to be done. In a word I really hate this and think it's some of the worst crud I ever turned out as far as story. But as far as textures and effects I'm happy. There was no set for this, it was all created in Photoshop. All the mark-up effects were drawn in Photoshop. There's even some shading and highlighting in there as well as shadows and digital effects. I wanted to do fades, wipes and montages.

And the disembodied random thoughts. Someone thought that was me totally ignoring all conventions with ballooning and layout. But since he read this as an intro to what I do, I can only feel sorry for him. My best stuff remains Interstellar Blood Beasts and the most sumptuous, if slow moving Sword of Kings.

I really should have cut this in half, but i just couldn't let go of some of the panels. So I made the ladies and audience suffer for my over-indulgence.