G.O.O.B. page 4

bravo1102 on July 23, 2018

Sometimes file names can be funny. Since this is being done on the fly without a script; I don't have my usual scene and page numbers plotted in advance. So these panels were all labeled “huh?panel01”, “huhpanel02” and so on. I had thought of going for more chills as the GOOB crept around the ship – but instead went right for the sex.

I have been working on all kinds of ways to do tentacles for a few years now. Finally I decided to just use artwork with some kind of texture. I also worked on slime and the results of that can be seen on my deviantart.
Vault of Slime page 01
The hard part was setting the transparency and the right color green.

The Giant Organic Optical Brain itself is a drawing based on an eye diagram I found online. I have a full scale model of an eye, but that's for a Tales of SIG G.O.O.B. origin story.

Like Sword of Kings this comic is only updating once a week. Still have eye troubles (typing this while squinting :D ) as well as time constraints. But if I bitch about them enough I can usually come up with ways to work out the difficulties.

What? Yes, that's right bitching, moaning and complaining are part of the problem solving process. It's called identifying the problem. Kvetch enough and subconscious fixes on the problem and I can work it through.

And I thank everyone for their support. If you are reading this, please comment, if only to say “hi” or even RAEBNC (read and enjoyed but no comment) It's not hard. We poor creators need support! Support us by saying something! Like Peter Pan's old, “Clap if you believe in fairies!” I say, “Comment if you believe in comics!”

Comment if you believe in comics!