G.O.O.B. page 5

bravo1102 on July 30, 2018

Some more casual nudity. This culture isn't as obsessive-compulsive over women covering up. This has been discussed and gone over in my previous comics like Battle of the Robofemoids and Tales of SIG.

The first couple of pages used old images I have from various conceptual projects I've done over the years. This page has new photos. Well Lunessa's hair has changed– so when would she do that? Of course a bigger ship could have more extensive facilities like a full water reclamation unit! Water would be precious on a space ship and not all ships would have the room to have full water tanks and water reclamation let alone water showers! The salvage crew's ship has drinking water but most cleaning is done with other methods that don't require lugging around huge tanks of water.

Anyway Lunessa's hairstyle change is explained by getting a hair cut and taking a water shower. It also provides an excuse to do skinsuits in another color.