The party has...moved on?

Amelius on Sept. 22, 2007

More off-panel voices! I had stuff to say…I forgot it because I'm tired though. Oh, UIU updated again finally. And by the way…
Night School, go read it! (I'm working on the next page expect that either tomorrow or late tonight, most likely early tomorrow)

Quick answer of questions from last update's comments:

Azaeziel: For Ebay, I'd probably use just vampirate or something similar but unique…I fear just using “Charby” may end up with unpleasant results (curse that woman and her penchant for getting naked! At least according to google that is…yech)

Lord Baz: It's more or less what my schedule (or the background) calls for. I know I said these computer ones would have guests in them but they didn't fit in this one! (they're in a secret area anyway). I'll do more marker ones in the future too, I love experimenting. I find giving some methods a break actually improves them when I get back to them again.

Fearmywrath:Prismacolor markers, some brand called “sugarloaf” (it came in a case, they're normal water-based markers and they sound delicious)and I've got like…4 copics, I used only 2 of them on that page. The lineart is done with a good non-bleeding art pen (like Microns)

Taozi Mao, Yes I do have a deviantart page:here!
(I should get around to updating that soon)

Pure Entrop: Wow, that was such a lovely, long comment, that was very sweet of you! I am most curious about what stage of Mye's character development you were referring to, she's one of the characters I've sort of been trying to retroactively alter back to a look more similar to her old one. I do admit many changes in my art weren't only from an endeavor to improve, but constant comparison to a comic it didn't resemble to begin with, which has pushed me to force some of that change onto them…I'm still trying to get over that phase however. It would be most helpful if you could tell me what portion of the storyline she looked best in ^_^ Thanks so much for letting me know!
(I really love hearing what people want in the development of these characters, I want everyone to know that I listen when you make suggestions!)

Tabitha: I read ‘em in one sitting as soon as the page loads! Really, it may seem like a lot of comments to read but every one that takes a moment of their time to say something to me is truly worth my time to read and appreciate each one. If dialup weren’t so slow I'd go back and check out the ones in my archives… there's some darn good questions people ask back there and whenever I get the chance, I answer them too.
(and I'll update CTV more often when Night School's book is done, or we get more traffic at the webcomic…hehe)