#746 Helping Himself By Helping Others

Amelius on Sept. 22, 2008

I've been reading some comics from the ‘80’s lately, hence the two awful outfits Mye got stuck with by Kavonn in this page. Those villainesses sure had some strange evil outfits! Dropped a reference to an ‘80’s cartoon in here too. I don't do references often, but I'll usually mention it when I do.
And yes, Daray is telling Phineas to shut up even though he hasn't said anything yet, there's no missing dialogue.

WELCOME WELCOME NEW READERS! Thanks for taking the time to trudge through the sprawl of archives, I really appreciate it!

Heey now though, when (in recent times that is) did I say my art is crappy? I've said my old art is crappy enough times, but I've said more than a few times I'm happy with where my art is right now and have been for a while. I can't see where I've complained about any new pages though… I have no claims to artistic perfection but really, who does? And to be clear, referring to my old art; when I say it's crappy, it's because at the time I could have done better but didn't for some reason (rushing!) Okay, is it better if I just refer to it as “shameful” instead? ^_^
Perhaps I should go through my archives and edit the notes where I called stuff crappy so I stop upsetting people, I was really in a mood at the time because I was re-uploading an archive of over 500 at twenty pages a day, and once you've advanced to a certain stage in your art, looking back can be a little painful to the eyes!

Hmmm…what else what else…I dunno!