
Amelius on Feb. 23, 2010

Ah, yes, this was almost on schedule. Then I had to draw the entire bottom half of this again. I lost some good work yesterday and I was pretty upset about it! But here it is.
This page is gross, I was quite delighted to draw it though! Haha!
Yeah, it was Tony pulling a prank, but Charby is sick and not in a laughing mood. Thank goodness Tony isn't home right now! Er, wait…he's probably safer with Blaine :)
Also, Zeno is demonstrating for those who asked, how someone with wings puts a shirt on. Even though I draw them flapping out all the time, they can curl up pretty easy. So, it was asked, so you receive! I was gonna draw this anyway though because he spilled coffee on his shirt, but I wasn't going to detail the process like this until it came up. Characters like Zerlocke have to magic their shirts on, their wings are simply too big for unmodified clothing.

*Edit: Owning up to a mistake, because that's what I do, Mr. Noodle totally had the wrong colored ears and I've fixed it now. I knew something had to be off! they're not black like I had them before. Of course, as the art evolved, I did make a few changes to his fur pattern since his first appearance…mostly by design, but in this case i just forgot (because I kinda like the black ears better, but oh well!)