Neilsama on July 18, 2010

Yep. Our next member revealed is none other than ENERGIZE and Nepath did a totally AWESOME job on this picture. Sense of wonder, anyone?

Energize of course, was one of the founders of HEROES UNITE but he's currently being hunted by them for something he didn't do. HU's loss is our gain. In fact, if you were wondering what Energize was doing in the year he was on the run from the HU as shown on this page—the first part he was having an adventure with Nepath's other creation, FEARLESS and later, he was way, way, WAYYYY out of town in the adventure we're calling CROSSOVERKILL.

Another reveal in a few weeks. Oh, and you might want to check out Nepath's story of Energize's foe and “brother”–SAROTH. And the never-completed story of Energize and CROSSOVERLORD alumni Dasien at ENERGIZE AND DASIEN might set you thinking. Yes, they're from the same reality.

Also in the same reality is the HU spin-off, HEROES ALLIANCE.

In the meantime–if you'd like to vote for us in the DRUNK DUCK AWARDS in Best Community Project (certainly!), Best Super Hero webcomic (very possibly.) or Best Sci-Fi or whatever strikes your fancy…who are we to say no? Thanks for reading, whether you vote or not! (But if you DO vote for us, an extra thanks to boot!)

CROSSOVERKILL coming in mid-October! Watch this space for more details and more teammate reveals!