Neilsama on Aug. 1, 2010

Yep. Our third member to be revealed in the coming CROSSOVERKILL series is none other than Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki! Kittyhawk herself created that image of her for our use, and we're thrilled we have permission to use Yuuki, our favorite Transgendered Magical Girl Fanboy! (Not to mention Norse Chooser of the Slain!)

Demands on Kittyhawk's time may limit her actual contribution of pages (although we'd LOVE for her to contribute as much as possible) but, like ANT through much of CROSSOVERLORD, Kittyhawk gave us her blessing to use her character…and we in turn are, of course, are consulting her on how we're using Yuuki, and grateful for her input!

Kittyhawk was gracious enough to let us use Yuuki twice in CROSSOVERLORD, but those were cameos. Here Yuuki will be essential to the story and the working of the team!

The “Prepare to Cross Over..” slogan for CROSSOVERKILL takes on a whole new flavor with this image, I know…but her abilities and duties as a Valkyrie will play a HUGE part in the story.

Oh, and check out Kittyhawk comparing this image to an early image of Yuuki in her MONTORSE SKETCHBOOK. And the more adult among you might want to check out her work for FILTHY FIGMENTS.–Al

PS. Thanks for nominating us for Best Community Project in the Drunk Duck Awards, and we hope we'll have your vote among the finalists to win it. Congratulations also to the many others nominated in a variety of categories, especially BAD GUY HIGH who has contributed a lot to CROSSOVERLORD, and talented new strips like FUSION in the Super Hero Category!