Dave the Punk Rock Cat's Big Adventure: Page 5

KnaveMurdok on Nov. 22, 2010

"Mar 9 2010

So for reasons unexplained, http://parasomnia.10001mb.com has gone down again. Sadly, my magic working webmistress is without an internet connection for the time being, so that kinda throws a monkey wrench in my plans. But even if she was connected at the moment, she's got too much goin' on for me to trouble her. I think I'll be starting up a Blogspot instead, as soon as I can find the time to sit down and churn out a whole new blog from scratch :( Or an account at Drunk Duck. Either way, making a new blog isn't the big deal, it's re-uploading all my past entries, THAT'S the time suck. Oh well, come spring time I might have time.
Enough of this gloomy shit, I should be excited! Blood Will Tell Vol. II is (supposedly) gonna be out NEXT WEEK! Plus Blood Will Tell vol. I has been selling well on top of that, I may need a third printing here pretty soon. When the time comes, there will be a thunderous trumpet from the heavens, and all will bear witness to the miracle, the fucking miracle that Knave managed to get his shit cleared with the publisher on the FIRST TRY! HUZZAHS ARE IN ORDER!"