8-1 The Hole in the Ground

stinger9 on Nov. 22, 2021

And we're back! New year of my life, may as well try to get it off to a good start (Like that'll last!)
So… about that “month long break” to work on redoing the first chapter…
Yeah, didn't quite pan out. It's currently sitting at 7 out of 11 pages (Those have been temporarily up on Twitter).
Between technical problems, low mood, and various other annoyances, its been a pain getting work done. Decided its been long enough, time to work on new stuff!
Anyway, we're picking up more or less from where we left off before the flashback chapter, a few days since Tan's failed thievery, and Bolk's beatdown!
Tan has clearly been busy in that time (And some poor farmer is now missing cows AND a bunch of wooden panels!)! Well, the “door” and hole are her handiwork at least, looks like someone else has been diverting people away from the path leading to the cave!

Edit: So… going to ask this one last time. Is anyone still reading here?