Due East - Book 4 Page 14

dueeast on March 27, 2008

Apologies for the delays. I wasn't feeling good a couple of days this week and it set me back. But at least this is still enough to keep Due East weekly! Not much to say about this page. It's pretty self-explanatory. :) Btw, please check out Behind The Scenes Of Due East, too! It updated several times this week.

Only one cameo this page: Cricket from Crickets Creature.

Now, at last, replies to Page 13 (and my thanks to all who wished me and my wife well for our anniversary):

blntmaker: I couldn't have said it better! Thanks for the compliments. (And what you said about “teen Aurora” was

usedbooks: Yes, she did. And thanks!

Tantz Aerine: Really? “Shocking?” I guess I can see that, seeing as how beat up Gina really is.

JustNoPoint: I don't think Gina will be doing much of anything for a while…

D0m: A losing combo, wouldn't you say?

trevoramueller: Missed it by that much! (holds thumb and forefinger close together)

smkinoshita: Thanks. Due East does like to stay as real as possible (for a webcomic). :)

TitanOne: See? I gave you a spinoff series already! Cool, huh? XD

amanda: I'm glad you liked the cameos enough to go read the archives! I'm honored and I'm truly pleased that the story moved you. And the product placements are a blast! Huh! You moved back to Austin the same year Due East started! That's really neat. B)

patrickdevine: You made me laugh with the DD Where's Waldo idea!

Molly Loves The KLF: I love it when people relate to our characters. Thanks.

Hurricane Camille: Thanks for the 5!

Hyptosis: Yup!

Vakanai: You're very welcome! It is serious, to be sure. (And thanks for the compliment.)