Due East - Book 4 Page 15

dueeast on March 30, 2008

04-19-08 Update: I am still alive, and I am working on the next page! Basic pencils should be easily finished today. If I book it, I might have a page by Monday. If not, then Tuesday 04-22-08. Sorry for the delay, I was sick with a cold and awaiting artistic inspiration.

Original update: Interestingly enough, this is officially the 100th page of pure Due East material (excluding all the fillers and fan art)! It's also the first time I've tried lighting effects on black and white. I was kind of dreading doing this page but I got motivated to do it today and once I got started, I'm really glad I did it (and in one day! Woot!)

This page leads up to something Carolyn talked with Deon about in Book Three, the night she talked to her father about everything that had gone wrong in her life since her Mom died. We're not actually going to show that conversation, since Carolyn detailed it rather thoroughly on Book Three Page 10, but it's important to note the context of this scenario.

Now to replies from the previous page:

usedbooks: LOL! Thanks.

blntmaker: Well, maybe not hard time, but serious consequences, to be sure. And thanks.

Tantz Aerine: Yeah, she did a real number on Gina. And no, I don't think anyone saw that coming (even Carolyn)!

JustNoPoint: Due East is set in 2003. It would be Fall 2003 presently. I don't think Carolyn's going to have to so much worry about lawsuits as just looking over her shoulder from time to time… And thanks for the HTML updates, they look great!!

amanda: Good point. ^_^

trevoramueller: Mayyyyybe – NOT! lol! Yes, it does make for interesting story, doesn't it?

patrickdevine: She considered her an acquaintance and teammate, and she didn't mean to near-cripple her. She's more in shock than anything.

smkinoshita: I suppose it would, huh? Geez, no lawyers already…

Skullbie: Thanks! I'm delighted you liked Book 1. I'll look forward to your input on Books 2 and 3.

DAJB: Thank you very much. Coming from you, that's a tremendous compliment. (You're making me blush!)