Issue 1: Page 1
repoman on April 5, 2009
(Edit: Formerly page 11. Moved 6/25/09)
This is the first page of a flashback scene detailing the climactic battle that led to Jon Montaigne and Kyri Thunderhead being trapped inside the Eternity Spire. I was hoping to keep the backstory somewhat of a mystery (like “Lost” or the original “Star Wars”) but there's just too much exposition right now and I'm not very happy with that.
So once I'm done with the first issue (22 pages) I'm going to move this flashback scene to the front. This will eventually be page one. Hopefully it will be a much stronger opening than the one I have now.
Anyhow, Doctor Shadow, literacysucks1, The Midge28, armandoB, thefightingstranger, Jabali, Hyena H_ll, machinehead, matttchee, and darkwaterfrey… thanks for your support. I truly appreciate it. And roidvoid: No I haven't tried dr. Martin's Dyes - but I heard really good things about them from the artists over at PencilJack. Unfortunately, I don't use paper anymore (Cintiq and Manga Studio) so I can only color my stuff digitally.. : (
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and thanks for looking.
seanb47 at 11:48PM, July 6, 2009
I'm digging this very much!Faved for sure!What do you mean you don't use paper anymore?
harkovast at 7:08AM, May 14, 2009
Poor old toad men! No one ever stops to consider their feelings! Maybe they just join the evil army because they have tad poles and toad wives to support?
Shewolf2 at 11:02AM, April 12, 2009
Your work's great, looking forward to see more ^_^
HyenaHell at 4:03PM, April 7, 2009
Noooooo, I like it here! The begining is such a great, traditional "expendable and hapless guys up to no good stumble across more than they bargained for" intro!!! I think it suits the tone of the comic more. :)
Jabali at 7:03PM, April 6, 2009
I dig prequels, I'm looking forward to yours.
machinehead at 3:13PM, April 6, 2009
I love the big guy.
The Gravekeeper at 1:38PM, April 6, 2009
You know what immediately came to mind when I read the word "toadmen"? Giant frog legs. Giant deep-fried frog legs. As Custard Trout has hinted, sometimes you get what you pay for.
mattchee at 10:19AM, April 6, 2009
Beautiful! Love the page layout too. I fought the exposition vs. mysterious backstory battle myself. In fact, I resolved to tell the backstory instead (or at least first.. for six chapters). That's what I'm doing now. Hell, and even THAT I felt I had to make a prelude for....
TheMidge28 at 7:24AM, April 6, 2009
I always like the term "toadies"
Doctor Shadow at 2:41AM, April 6, 2009
A cost effective work force, excellent :)
armandoB at 11:44PM, April 5, 2009
Custard Trout at 10:25PM, April 5, 2009
The stormtroopers were 'cost effective' as well, and look at how that turned out.