The Golden Compass Is Offensive
Zerglingleader on Aug. 28, 2008
Ok everyone,
First I would like to apologize. I don't have a new comic for you this weekend. I held and maintained this dear X61 with my LIFE, so it figures that the second I get to the college campus I lose the pen I lose the pen I FUCKING LOST THE PEN! It never left my room, and it vanished so…sorry, it's all very frustrating. I am deeply sorry but this comic is all I have. It's photographed badly, but I don't think it's too bad. I'm just upset because I had a comic I was really excited about… oh well, I get to buy a new pen. FUN. anyway, It's about the golden compass scare that happened a few months ago. I think it's all ridiculous, and the His Dark Materials series are the best books of all time.anyway, this is the way the church reacts to EVERYTHING. Sorry, I'll have a new comic next week I PROMISE.
Puff_Of_Smoke at 1:28PM, Aug. 30, 2008
I'm content with this. You don't really need to promise anything.
Dchao at 7:22PM, Aug. 29, 2008