049. date = m/V

usedbooks on Aug. 30, 2009

One of the first physics formulas I memorized was d=m/V. My 6th grade science teacher taught us a trick to remember. Just think dinner equals a meal on a one-legged table (picture how it looks written as a fraction).

My original plan for this strip didn't include the last line, but in that form it seemed mean and not very funny. Personally, I'm not a fan of insult comedy, but I enjoy witty verbal sparring. For me, the humor lies in the retort. – I have a couple great strips in the planning including another “true story” strip for the #50 milestone next week. ~_^

The DrunkDuck Awards go live this week. No nominations for Gelotology, of course, but Becky and Dave will be appearing on a presentation page. Make sure you check them out starting tomorrow.