Jesus Brand Bleach

CartoonistWill on Dec. 12, 2017

Hello, Gospel Chums!

This is my favorite Gospelman comic strip so far, I think. I originally planned on a humorous scene with SuperMilo in his own webcomic using a laundry machine on the “Super” cycle, but since that comic is *hopefully temporarily* on hiatus, I've commandeered the gag for this Christian strip.

To donate:

By the way, I've officially launched the Gospelman Ministries Patreon page! We're asking for donations, why? Because of how busy life is - full-time day job, marital and familial responsibilities, constant yard and house work, studying God's Word, part-time work for the publishing company Empire Comics Lab, fostering classes and upcoming future raising of the child or children, sometimes just needing to rest or see a friend - I really just don't have the time for everything. I'll keep trying to do comics, especially Christian comics, but if I were fully supported, similar to a pastor or missionary, I'd be able to draw Christian comics full or at least part-time. As it stands, saying I write or draw for myself or the publishing company, let alone God, “part-time” is a joke. More like part-part-part time. If I don't sleep, lol. But with your prayer and/or financial support, Lord willing, that could change. To donate, please follow the link below to our Patreon page: