Gospelman Ministries News Letter #1

CartoonistWill on June 8, 2020

Hello, Gospel Chums!

Your cartoonist, here. I thought I'd show you guys what we've been doing when I'm not behind the drafting table and computer. I try to update on Sundays, but today is not Sunday, yes? Today's extra update is our first ministry news letter with a bunch of photos of me passing out the free Gospelman Adventures series preview from over the years of comic conventions. If I remember correctly, we've only been passing the free book out since maybe 2018? I've been doing my local convention circuit since about 2010 though, mostly selling SuperMilo books and poster prints.

We're mostly updating these days at our Patreon and our comic strip and adventure serial both at Comic Fury, so please forgive the lack of attention here. Although on Comic Fury I have the comics separated, here the comic strip and adventure serial are combined. For the time being. If you'd like to buy digital or print issues of Gospelman comics, please visit our webstore at IndyPlanet. For our Facebook page click here. Also, we have a Youtube here.