034 Ant!

Xade on June 23, 2021

I got a website check it out! Growlution.net the
I even took a few days off to relax and still got the comic done in record time. I'm so glad I went full 3d. Although I still have to give Zeep his morph, I can expand him to a degree with his bones.

As you can see, I finished the ant with the help of a dear friend of mine. Now I have time to whip up something else that should happen in 3 or 4 pages, As usual, I got an idea in my head and it became so good that I decided to run with it. I haven't really deviated from the script but it will flow so much nicer this way than the old way and the new project will open a whole new world for Zeep. *points to random person* No singing!

Anyhow, I'm done and enjoy!