Chapter 4 ...Professional Courtesy Page 12

gregoryfloch on Feb. 4, 2019

You may be wondering why this is a different style?
Well, it's been years since page 11. And Floch, like always, wanted to try something new. It's a bit hard to see where the monitor ends and begins in panel 1, but I think it works nicely. It’s not perfect, but then again, Hacking certainly wasn’t. I’d love to re-letter this puppy someday…

Speaking of starting something new…this is the end.
Hacking Human was Floch and I's first work together. We sent the first chapters off to publishers but were told it was good,but too “weird” for their audiences. I was asked to re-send with a different artist.
But I never really considered it. No-one could've done this like Floch did.
So I gave up.

Of course, Floch never gave up. He redrew chapters, we resent to publishers several times, and he even drew a LOT more than he needed to just because he felt like it. We put it online several times too, until finally, we found an audience here at the Duck. Thank you very much for liking it when we did! We even got featured here, and I can’t tell you how much a needed ego boost that was. We’re just humble creators after all, and we have many moments where we wonder if our craft is worth it. So thank you. Thank you for saying we’re awesome.

This won't be the last you hear of us. After a short break, keep your eyes out for more comic re-prints that never saw daylight. We know how important it is to keep going, so in the end, you definitely won’t be seeing the last of us. We still make pitches and we still make content. So stay tuned as we plan our next move.

As for Hacking Human? Is this the end?
Sadly yes.
We never got over 600 views on a single day and, compared to what we know is possible from other webcomic ventures of my own, it just isn’t enough to merit drawing new content. We have at last two more chapters scripted for book one so it’s not like we’re out of ideas, but the audience isn’t here yet and until it is, our story ends with Bush II in his underpants.

Edit: That said, prepare for a Hacking bonus chapter. I actually mis-calculated and thought we’d be done in March, so our next project isn’t ready quite. So for now, prepare for something a liiitle different here on the Hacking page.

Till next time!
-Finch (Writer)