#14 Attatch This!/IOX crossover

Xade on Sept. 7, 2018

Attach This!

Whew, sorry it's late. it's been a busy week. Here we see a couple interesting things, an aspect of Alex's talent, and a mysterious “Protector Effect” stopping Alex from saying something. Unfortunately the reason behind these 2 things are spoilers and will be revealed some time after the two Xadians return to Xade.

I'll be taking the serverside part for now, Blk will be doing the outside. However, don't stop reading Attach This! unless you want to be hopelessly lost, because both parts are integral to the overall story. Consider his part as a “meanwhile…” you've got to know about.

I tried to do it on photoshop but I couldnt so I only did part of the text and the mini panel in the first panel.