138 The Welcoming Committee

Xade on Aug. 9, 2009

Magical Misfits
Dark Eyes, Robert, and Sox, along with the Terran Scout are from Magical Misfits they're here to visit Xade for a while in case you are just joining us, here is the the beginning of the chapter.

I tried to get the TS model looking right in time, I really did, but I simply ran out of time Ron is a great artist, has great starship designs but frankly, he's a lousy modeler. Half his polygon faces were wrong side out in his sketchup file. In skechup itself it doesn't matter, but once you get pro and export the file then you run into all kinds of trouble, which is why the ship's interior looks like it does. There are hidden faces in the arms, which is why they have that extra red to them. By the time I noticed them I couldnt do anything about it. Fortunately this is the next to last scene of the interior of the TS.

In other news panels 1 and 2 are not the original, scripted versions. Ron and I hashed out a few stray things, and he stated that they had some unconfirmed databases, which I promptly added. There's a lot more to Xade than meets the eye; it will be explained shortly why Questa and Xade are not on the maps. Also, I wanted to include the proper pronunciation of Xade, Robet, being 5 years old would have to sound it out so that's why I did it that way, paying homage to Aeren's way of saying it.