144 Fire And Ice Dragon

Xade on Aug. 30, 2009

Magical Misfits
Dark Eyes, Robert, and Sox, along with the Terran Scout are from Magical Misfits they're here to visit Xade for a while in case you are just joining us, here is the the beginning of the chapter.

I know, this is kinda anticlimactic compared to the previous, rather flashier change to the wyvern but that's how Xadian magic controlled by someone is. It's more of use of energy than flashes and bangs, which is actually a side effect of using the magic. The user quite often tries to control so much energy that it is often wasted, resulting in lights or sparkles, or smoke, or whatever their style is. The more refined they are, the less of an effect they show. However that refinement comes at the cost of speed so 9/10 wizards dont bother, especially in a battle. Now when they want to be sneaky a good wizard barely wastes any energy at all.

Dark Eyes, being alien and more used to controlling magic in different ways will have a unique style all her own. More of a scattered, rippled, light style; its hard to see in this comic but you will in the next one.

Due to some confusion when I mentioned too much nitrogen I feel the need to explain what I meant, so if you're not interested feel free to skip this part. the air mixture of Xade is 90/8/1/1 90 Nitro 8 oxy, 1 radon and 1 helium As such, too much nitro, and not quite enough oxy would cause a person to suffocate in about an hour. They would not notice anything until about 45 minutes of breathing the atmosphere, where they would become lightheaded and start gasping for air. This was done by a rather young Xade, the spirit/goddess of the planet after an infestation of the common house mouse. (Caution, this is not historical.) Plato had stumbled upon Xade back when Xade and Earth were linked via the Interstellar Sunbeam and being much closer due to the intergalactic expansion. While he was wondering the known world he stumbled across the portal and very quickly found Xade after befriending a pair of mice.

Plato visited the elves for a while, who greeted him like a friend and showed him around. When it came time for him to go the mice were gone and Plato forgot about them, his mind filled to the brim with the wonders of Xade.

Years later the mice had become a problem and Xade had to adapt the catta, which was a cat like creature with hands instead of paws and a size changing, very flexible tail, to hunt them. In a rash act she also altered the breathing mix to prevent earthlings from staying too long without help, slowly at first so her people could adapt until it was the final mixture it is today.

So, how come Humans are on Xade now? Well…that's another story. :)