147 Farewell Gift

Xade on Sept. 10, 2009

Magical Misfits
Dark Eyes, Robert, and Sox, along with the Terran Scout are from Magical Misfits they're here to visit Xade for a while in case you are just joining us, here is the the beginning of the chapter.

I'm officially without internet; my neighbor's went kaput on me, and the stupid router firewall has decided that it doesnt like Drunk Duck, probably because of the word Drunk. As such, I cannot edit this over at the duck. I hope I can find a better public hotspot. In the mean time, BlkKnight logged my acct and changed the above paragraph for me.

I had planned on something simpler for panel 4. Just Alexis holding it out, but instead, since the internet died and I suddenly had another day to work on this, I quickly whipped up a desert and a pyramid in hexagon, dressed the freak 3 in a costume and made him as freaky evil cool as I could, plopped old Alexis in there, colored her outfit and posed the lot of them. I think, after a few hours of fiddling with it to get the cloud and sky looking tormented was worth it. I'll be uploading the original render to deviant art.