It's All a Matter of Trust

Xade on Jan. 18, 2010

It's another cheap update again but I do have a good reason, I've been very busy with a hurt wrist (hurt while trying to get Mom out of a ditch) Car breaking down with a clogged fuel filter, resulting in a new fuel pump just to be safe to just not sleeping right because I have a new, firmer bed.

But hey, at least I made a model of the Earth, and although you cannot see it, the moon! That has to count for something. I realized that the starlight was supposed to be nice and harsh outside the atmosphere in the last panel and didn't feel like going back to change it on the other panels, so that's why space looks a little wonky.

Also, for Aden fans, yes, I updated his hair. Version two came out and after trying it out I decided that I liked it.