Yet Another Filler

Chameleon Kid on Nov. 22, 2008

GAH! I'm sorry, you're left with yet another filler…=_=…I've been busy trying to keep up with COW, and now with December almost upon us, I have some Christmas pictures I'd like to work on and hopefully finish BEFORE December 25th.

I hate typing this…but I think JC needs a hiatus for awhile. =( I don't know when it will be back, but it WILL come back eventually! (there's no doubt of THAT!) In the meantime, if you want to check out City of Weirdos, be my guest! ^_^' (It's update schedule will be changing in December due to my sudden holiday workload I've decided to take on. It will be updating Mondays and Fridays. No Wednesdays in December.)

I apologize again for taking a break on JC…T_T