Those are good decorations

lba on Nov. 5, 2008

So, ignoring the fact that I'm 5 months overdue on when I said I'd be coming back from hiatus, and the fact that I'm 5 ( Maybe 6. I didn't really look too closely at the calendar. ) days too late for this particular holiday-themed strip, let's get to the point: I am indeed back again. For how long, I don't truly know. What I do know is that despite the fact that we will not be going back to the daily update schedule I had previously, there will be updates for as long as my ever busier schedule of school and freelancing allows. I'll do my best to get a comic done as often as is possible.

That being said, I love the Halloween holiday as a cherished world tradition in which those of us too old to be out getting candy any more attempt to find new ways in which to scare the children who would be asking for that candy to the point that they must return home immediately, lest their urine-sodden trousers ( Urine-sodden trousers is just a fun phrase to say. Try it. Don't worry about the looks you get. ) freeze to their Winnie the Pooh costume. We all know that we do this to kids for two reasons. First, because our parent's generation did it to us in the hopes of getting us to spend the rest of our adolescent lives traumatized to the point of muteness by nightmares. and secondly, because we all secretly hope that if we manage to scare off enough of them, we'll get to keep all the milky way and snickers bars to ourselves. Because deep down at heart, we all know that the real point of Halloween isn't to give candy to cute little kids. It's all about waking up the next morning on the couch in a pile of empty wrappers and realizing that we no longer have the physical ability to remove ourselves from the couch.