- Fanart by Crocty
- Fanart by BetaJess/Amanda
- 63 - ラトガ
- 62 - Relativity
- 61 - ルテゲル
- 60 - Dr. House
- I knew I could do it!
- This was going to be more spectacular...
- Filler by Amanda
- Filler by Mangoflush
- 59 - Twiggy
- Fanart by Dragonizer
- Fanart by Amanda
- 58 - Cook, dammit!
- 57 - Anime~
- 56 - Oh Bugger
- 55 - So Tired...
- 54 - Oh Ha Ha
- 53 - Router
- 52 - Idea
- 51 - Carnaval
- 50 - Radio Station
- 49 - Cosplay
- 48 - Peace
- 47 - Hung Over
- 46 - Party!!!
- 45 - So Close
- 44 - Girls
- 43 - Hey
- About time the sun came back...
- 42 - Cuckoo
- 41 - Awww
- 40 - Shi
- 39 - Strange Folk
- 38 - Mii
- 37 - Frilly
- 36 - Sushi
- 35 - Conspiracy
- 34 - Banzai
- 33 - Wii
- 32 - Turning Japanese
- 31 - Kawaii Neko!
- 30 - Nyoro~n
- 29 - Ronery
- 28 - Sexy
- 27 - Osh-
- 26 - Booze
- 25 - Fireworkt
- 24 - Beach
- 23 - Blue
- 25th
- 22 - Screw You, Ben
- 21 - Soul
- 20 - Wawawowa
- 19 - Phone
- 18 - Wash
- 17 - Firing
- 16 - Boobs
- 15 - Pollution
- 14 - Shinigami
- 13 - Barber
- 12 - Cellphone
- 11 - Book
- 10 - Bubbles
- 09 - Gobble
- 08 - Woo Beer!
- 07 - Beer
- NLTC: Episode 2 - "Animated?"
- 06 - Splosion
- 05 - Staple
- Life as told by NLTC: "New Comic?!"
- 04 - Hot Sauce
- 03 - Candle
- 02 - Locks
- 01 - Globe
01 - Globe
Rutger on Nov. 15, 2007
A friend of mine told me the other day that Hitlers globe was sold at an auction for 68.000 Euros. That's about 74.000 US Dollars, I think. It inspired me to make this comic.
ocelott at 3:45PM, Nov. 20, 2007
Wow, that... that just hurts my head.
alecisonfire at 9:07AM, Nov. 17, 2007
What the hec??? Google Earth > Hitler's globe
Fenn at 3:06PM, Nov. 16, 2007
I wonder if the countries had boundaries "adjusted" to fit his vision...?
Rutger at 1:41PM, Nov. 16, 2007
Some guy in California, apparently...
ShadowDion at 12:46PM, Nov. 16, 2007
seriously, who would buy that??
Etheridge at 12:46PM, Nov. 16, 2007
Yay! I inspire! Also.. Nice!