flash update (depression can kill you? :D )

Locoma on Aug. 24, 2009

Man, I'm so down right now. I'm still fucked up the ass by that bitch who makes my life a living hell. Lawyers suck (sorry Alej, heh). Well maybe judges are the ones that suck… anyway.

I'm so down right now that I thought of putting you up to date with the good part of my life, which is these short flash animations I'm doing as commissions for weddings, etc.

This isn't the most recent one (which I finished this same month), but it's the first one from this year. I will post the others and fortunately I will have a flash subtitle app finished by then. I put the translation on the comments of the video. Feel free to comment here instead of there.

These are paying for my flash coding course which is expensive, but totally worthy. I've met tons of awesome people there that really give me hope about life. And not the kind of hope that vanishes after is gone, but the kind of hope that TEACHES you things, that convince you to get to work on your life and not waste another second moaning or lamenting, but moving forward. It's funny how I think everything is so dark that when a glimpse of hope lighten my life I'm as blind as an own in broad daylight.

Oh come on, you read an entire comic of mine, you know I'm a bit of an emo from time to time. At least I've got reasons…

I'm currently listening to Queen 2 again, go listen to it if you haven't, it's one of my fav albums of all time.

Locoma out.