Ep 05 : 38
Animetor_Lily on Nov. 13, 2010
If you've seen the preview from my art blog, I didn't manage to finish with this page by last friday, because my arm is still not healed 100%, plus got to go to a family wedding until today (sunday)… ; u ; If not for my dear friend PinPin-chan who helped me to finish shading this page, you won't be able to see this update today at all~~ @u@ *throws cookies on her* Waaa Thank you a million times Pinpin-chan for helping me to finish shade this~ x33 She colored this page so pretty~~~ EEEEEeeee~~ Please visit her DA page here and send her love~! http://penguin-pinpin.deviantart.com
My arm is a bit better and I can draw some traditional art again, but I can't do too much in case it gets worse ; u ; So sorry for slow updates m (_ _) m
giovanni at 11:24AM, May 2, 2013
well, it seems that although you heven't given up drawing or making stuff for that comic (as shown on your deviantart page), it does seems that you have abandonned this drunkduck version of your comic
giovanni at 7:00AM, Sept. 16, 2012
i hope she got better
gauveldt at 2:27PM, May 4, 2012
@giovanni her shoulder flared up again really bad and she's getting nasty headaches... it'll probably be a bit longer before she can do any new pages yet...
giovanni at 5:44AM, Feb. 13, 2012
ah okay
gauveldt at 4:53PM, Jan. 5, 2012
@giovanni Between work, bad shoulder and broken PC Lily hasn't really had much opportunity to do any new pages.
giovanni at 8:40AM, Dec. 5, 2011
since there is an art on her blog,dated november 29 2011. that mean she is still internet active
aqua 77 at 6:52PM, July 24, 2011
your arm still healing or just not doing comics any more? either way great story and rapid recovery.
Xade at 6:09AM, April 6, 2011
forget updates heal 100% then flood us with them :D wonderful page!
joichi at 12:48PM, Feb. 7, 2011
Sweet! Looks quite intersting, can't wait to
Xade at 12:26AM, Nov. 15, 2010
DJLink at 9:23PM, Nov. 14, 2010
gauveldt at 7:37PM, Nov. 14, 2010
Pinpin is a dear for helping you finish your MQ page and did a wonderful job with the colouring. 8^3
mackie at 12:39PM, Nov. 14, 2010
awesome color ^^
JazylH at 6:56AM, Nov. 14, 2010
Very cool page, my friend!
giovanni at 6:02AM, Nov. 14, 2010
color bonus!