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member since March 03, 2007


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* Lily has weird English; it is not her first language so please pardon her mistakes > 3 < ;;
* Lily lives in Malaysia and she wishes she has enough money to travel the world *3* ~~~
* She is obsessed with cute plushies, and yet loves to draw blood and violence in her pictures *3*;;;
* Lily is always busy at work (she works as an animator with a company) and she rarely has time to comment on stuff, but wants you to know that she loves you muchly for visiting her always~! ^ 3 ^ <3333

Comics By Animetor_Lily

  • Fantasy |
  • 175 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A black mage on a quest seeking revenge; A naive elf-girl adventurer wannabe who keeps getting into trouble; A sinister and evil power that threatens to destroy the world... Fantasy/Adventure manga.
  • Fantasy |
  • 15 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Odin is the latest addition to the Shinigami ranks, and he has a flair for botching things up. Having accidentally brought a little girl back to life, he's now forced to spend the rest of his dead life as her bodyguard.

Comics Assisted By Animetor_Lily

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Animetor_Lily

[Old Version] The town of Quarterhill is famous for its modern legends and strange phenomena. When four local kids are led to the truth behind these legends, they are granted fantastic powers in hopes of saving the world.

There are 2Masters in this world, both of them have the powers to move heaven and earth, and they fight each other over the right to rule the world, humans under them must choose one to follow...

When an undercover world unknown to humanity is set in peril, an ordinary girl and her friends are cast into the midst of the fight. Used to create, Mirror of Life brings only death. Rated PG for some violence. Added the subtitle cause the name was taken.

It's the Norse gods during their elementary school days. The God of Thunder's a runt, the God of Mischief plays with dolls, and the God of War's a pacificist... how will this pantheon ever survive puberty?

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.

Four teenagers enroll in an "elite" boarding school on an island. What they don't realize is that there's more to this "prestigious" school than meets the eye...

A witty hostess with a successful life. A distant guy with a promise. A memory of the past interferes with the present. A journey of love & self discovery.

A new spin on the classic legend of Dr. Faust... What happens when you sell your soul to the devil?

In Elarthe, where Heroes are common, our main character, Setrina, aims to be a REAL hero. But what happens when villains are actually not the real bad guys? What if some of the Heroes have actually been corrupted?

Pencilled sketched manga with poorly written English dialogues... ...please don't shoot me.

A blind elven assassin out to prove himself to the world ... and himself.

Jessica Hoshi and the Ajan Warriors battle the Bane Legion Cryptic for control of the Isian Badlands

An Impromanga hosted by the Sass Studios gang, set in a sci-fi/fantasy world. Check out the main site at

Ranu, a strange young boy, finds himself pushed into the quest of searching for Crysthel, the Crystal Dragon of All Knowledge and the artifact she is imprisoned within. She's his only chance of finding his long lost friend, but what other powers seek it?

When a group of strange exchange students at an equally strange school are targeted by a mysterious ghost, it's up to them to solve a year-old murder. For the Multi-Artist eXchange at

Vampire comic in Chinese

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, society is shattered into factions and all live in fear of a second alien invasion. Wren and his team fight to unite the earth against its real enemy: fear itself.


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