Public Profile
member since March 03, 2008
My name is Tim. I like to draw stuff.
For info on commission work, and availability of original art pages, please write me at
For info on commission work, and availability of original art pages, please write me at
Comics By ttyler
- Fantasy |
- 4 pages |
- last: July 12 2021 |
2 unique people surviving the Biblical Apacolypse as a world gone mad explodes around them.
- Fantasy |
- 71 pages |
- last: April 4 2018 |
In an alternate, future world, a Vampire seeks to destroy the one responsible for his curse.
- Superhero |
- 97 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Agents of Darkness have uncovered the INFINITUM KEY, bringing the end of all days with it. The vampire king Blood Rign and Paula DeMaine, the wearer of the Devil Jack, team up to stop them....but can they survive their first meeting?
- Fantasy |
- 9 pages |
- last: Feb. 16 2017 |
A Time agent is sent back from a destroyed future, to recover a sliver of true time, and set all things right.....or wrong, again.
- Fantasy |
- 181 pages |
- last: July 19 2016 |
A small hidden world, and its Dragon deity, are threatened with destruction. Its up to a small band of forgotten heroes, to stand, and defend the world against impossible odds, while, re-discovering the lost heroes within themselves. Fantasy/action sci-fi
- Horror |
- 10 pages |
- last: April 25 2018 |
Short stories of Monsters, creatures, and FIENDS. Also includes vintage ads and advertisements....just like a Monster mag from the 70's.
- Fantasy |
- 69 pages |
- last: March 17 2018 |
In an alternate reality, the civil war continues. Jerimiah Claw,...deserter, Mercenary, Warlock, Gun for hire, roams the lands, seeking forgivness for his sins. Sins, that the monstrosities of this dark world, wish to silence forever. A Lovcraft Western.
- Fantasy |
- 359 pages |
- last: Dec. 26 2018 |
My sketchbook of various scribbles,commission art, doodles and short stories.
- Fantasy |
- 28 pages |
- last: Aug. 21 2012 |
A legless cat, and a gnarly toothed pup, wander an Apocalyptic Wasteland in search of drinkable water, corn chips and Adventure!!
- Fantasy |
- 7 pages |
- last: Jan. 29 2017 |
An online Saturday Art Studio, with tips and examples from Independent artist Tim Tyler. (Faust, Razor, Blood Reign, Devil-Jack, Hades, Dreadstar, Engine) Topics will include Inking, layout, pencilling and stuff I've learned over my 30 yrs of doodlin'.
- Fantasy |
- 17 pages |
- last: March 17 2018 |
High action, Adult tale of Super Frankenstein. Built like a Ford.....and deadly as Frakkin DEATH. An action/Monster story with funny parts.
- Adventure |
- 2 pages |
- last: Nov. 1 2022 |
Creatures of the night band together to protect their world from threats worse than themselves.
Comics Assisted By ttyler
No comics.
Comics Recomended By ttyler
In an alternative WW2 ravaged world, the innocent sex-kitten Lily Lacroix finds new purpose in a new city as the vigilante pin up - DANGERMOTH! But can she live up to such an iconic position once faced with the harsh realities of a war torn world?
Welcome to the world of Hestonia. A mature comic with elements of renaissance, dark fantasy and industrial fantasy. Join the Chronicles as they tell snapshots of Hestonia's history, present, past...future...
Earth's fate is in the hands of 2 alien races! Luckily 1 of them isn't so bad. Attempting to stop a vicious horde can 2 specially gifted humans (Fenny & Sally) actually turn the tables of balance on this war? Year 2132 Fantasy, SciFi, Action, Adventure
ttyler's friends
forum topics started
No topics.
Videos Shared By ttyler
No videos.
©2011 WOWIO, Inc. All Rights Reserved Mastodon
Aelwyn at 8:58PM, Oct. 23, 2010
No problem! I hope all is going well with you. :D
vwyler at 1:06PM, June 26, 2010
Thanks for the add!
Mr Kaos at 9:15AM, May 28, 2010
What a surprise that you did add me as a friend. Didn't expect it at all. well thank you for that and allow me to add you as well. :)
Jobo at 3:32AM, May 24, 2010
hey there! Thanks for the add
Athorist at 1:09PM, May 23, 2010
Thank you for the praises on my comic, and a friend add. :)
Larry at 11:38AM, May 23, 2010
Thanks for the add!
workshop13 at 5:25PM, May 22, 2010
nice work thanks for adding me
PPPchairman at 9:01AM, Sept. 30, 2009
Thank's for adding me to your friends list sorry, if this seems a little a late I like to read a persons comic before I had them. I got to say Engine is probably the best comic I have ever read.
darkwaterfrey at 8:47AM, Sept. 21, 2009
You are the best inker around these here parts! Keep on making great drawings!
WurrD at 3:06PM, Sept. 20, 2009
absolutely love your art :) would love to have you draw one of my stories!
PIT_FACE at 5:11PM, Sept. 11, 2009
thank you so much for the birthday wishes! it's been a great day!
Exzachly at 1:50PM, Sept. 8, 2009
Hey buddy, now that we're friends can I borrow some money?
da_kasha at 4:20AM, Sept. 7, 2009
Wow *worships* I've only just had a brief look at your work and it's amazing! I feel unworthy -__-
Legolos229 at 9:01PM, Sept. 4, 2009
The evil chaos minded old dude has added me... I feel honored and have lost my will to ask why!
Nosferatu Man at 2:46PM, Sept. 4, 2009
By adding me, you have brought a dark cloud upon... Bah, what the hell. I certainly will enjoy your comics. Cheers!
CoyoteLongshot at 3:58PM, Sept. 1, 2009
Thanks for adding me! I love your stuff, Engine is one of the most talked-about comics around here, and for good reason! Keep it up!
JinxMinx at 7:55AM, Aug. 28, 2009
Thanks for the add ^_^. And your art really is amazing!
InfectedWithDrew at 12:24AM, Aug. 16, 2009
Just stopping by to say I admire your artistry and I wish I could draw like you can. Oh well, still have my camera and my GIMP.
Ironscarf at 6:35PM, Aug. 15, 2009
Thanks for the add; I forgot I only had you added on my old username - I forget most things now. Where were we? Oh yeah... Love your work.:)
cbacolo at 2:11PM, Aug. 15, 2009
Thanks for the friend add. Your work is stunning.
ShadowPuppet at 9:21PM, April 21, 2009
Thanks for the add dude. Your style is wicked!
Jabali at 11:26AM, April 21, 2009
Thanks for the add :)
Kristen Gudsnuk at 8:20PM, April 12, 2009
Thanks for the add :)
darkwaterfrey at 8:21AM, March 28, 2009
Thank you for adding me to your Friends list!!!
Tepnoa at 9:16PM, Jan. 29, 2009
hello, Mr. Tyler! Thank you very much for adding me as a friend. Your artwork really is incredible!