Public Profile


member since March 03, 2008


Hello! My name is Rafael, but here in the web everybody know me as Skelyrata.
I am a Puerto Rican who always wanted to do comics, but never had very good drawing skills. On the other hand I developed a fluent writing style and I dedicated to write and publish underground novels in Puerto Rico over the years.
In 1999 I started writing a serial titled Zahira, in Spanish. First it was on the web. Later I made different printing editions until I turned it officially into a short novel in 2001.
But I really wanted to do comics, and my stories were always meant to be visualized and not read.
So I hunted all over the world for an artist that could digest and give life to Zahira.
As you will see in this pages, Zahira is a series with strong adult content, and many artists were affraid of getting involved with this kind of project.
Finally, I found a very good artist in Argentina and Zahira the webcomic series is now a reality.
Our goal is to publish 4 pages per week. Here in Drunk Duck, to keep the suspense high, I set it up to update one new page per day as long as there are pages to add. So be sure to come back tommorrow because there could be a new page.

Comics By skelyrata

  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
  • 1 like
Alexis Grace is an innocent 19 years old women that needs money to pay the rent and refuse to work at any store for minumum wage so she start working underground.
  • Superhero |
  • 58 pages |
  • last: Feb. 15 2016 |
Laziva tells the story of Ivelis, a girl that during the day is a student that fights thiefs and gangs at school, but during the night becomes a seductress assasin.
  • Fantasy |
  • 12 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
THERE IS AN ENGLISH VERSION OF THIS COMIC. Una joven se ve obligada a prostituirse, soportar violaciones y torturas, para salvar a sus seres queridos, en una sociedad que protege a los ricos y criminaliza a los pobres.
  • Fantasy |
  • 32 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
A prostitute that kills costumers on the bed.

Comics Assisted By skelyrata

No comics.

Comics Recomended By skelyrata

A mental hospital patient is experimented on... giving him super hyper senses and physical strength. But is mind cracks as although his body now is super his mind can't take it. Follow him down a self discovery and control of his powers and his life.

Now Playing: Chapter 29- The Mighty Warlord is a world mixing together puertorican culture, fantasy, character development, action, and romantic comedy. Updated Wednesdays-ish

humanity fights it's last global war to decide wish evolutionary road will follow ... Darkness or Light , in this scenario a mysterious woman become a new messiah

dead comic

skelyrata's friends

Videos Shared By skelyrata

No videos.




Scorpious at 8:43PM, March 31, 2008

hey gracias dude bienvenido al mundo exterior!

LanceDanger at 11:44AM, March 26, 2008

Thanks, man =) Hmm, you should have had the trophy already then, but there have been a few bugs in DDs system lately. Rigo should've gotten the Top 1000 trophy a long time ago, and what they gave him was the "100 uploaded Pages" trophy instead, and he's only update about 45 pages so far XD

LanceDanger at 8:57PM, March 21, 2008

Hey man, hope all is going well, Zahira is looking good! Thanks for the add, dude =)

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