member since February 02, 2008
I havent actually taken more than a handful of drawing classes. I really should have taken a sequential art class, which would have really helped me get the flow right… Ill keep at it, and keep learning.
Currently I am working on getting my license as a therapist. Unfortunately life is getting complicated, between working, and looking for a house and the subsequent move. Greed over Need has taken the inevetable back seat. I would like to get back to it though.
Comics By Ailorn
- Fantasy |
- 16 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
- Fantasy |
- 10 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
- Fantasy |
- 18 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Assisted By Ailorn
No comics.
Comics Recomended By Ailorn
There are 2Masters in this world, both of them have the powers to move heaven and earth, and they fight each other over the right to rule the world, humans under them must choose one to follow...
A simple "chibi" style strip, inspired by life and a very bored wandering mind, about the mundane, the moronic, the silly, the surreal, the cute, the quirky, the geeky and anything that materializes in my head.
It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!
Random adventures of three dangerous teens.
This is a story about a little girl, Lila, and her life once she befriends two aliens.
The exploits of a socially-conscious weapons sales-orc on the world of Chirna.
It's about zombies. :D
Night School: Kojo Academy It is midnight, do you know where your kids are? Well if you are a creature of the night, they should be in Night School!
A fan drawn comic about the trials and tribulations of Kojo Academy's midnight class. PQ Evil Emperor Nick or Amelius if you would like to draw a page.
Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.
Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!
Ailorn's friends
forum topics started
Videos Shared By Ailorn
No videos.
soulcelshade at 5:35AM, May 1, 2008
Hi! Great comic!
shino at 12:09PM, April 17, 2008
thanks for the add my friend!!!
Renga Studio at 8:25PM, March 19, 2008
Aw, I can't stay mad at you! I totally forgive you now! :) BUT DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY WEATHER MACHINE AGAIN!!!! :mad:
subcultured at 12:07AM, March 19, 2008
why thank you very much ^_^
subcultured at 10:29PM, March 16, 2008
Chaz McRich at 4:57PM, March 6, 2008
Thanks for the add chum!
Renga Studio at 9:42PM, March 3, 2008
Thanks for the add, Ailorn! :) And don't worry about that tornado episode; I forgive you! Well, kinda...
CoyoteLongshot at 10:03PM, Feb. 29, 2008
Thanks for the add, and good luck on your comic!