Public Profile


member since July 07, 2008


Comics By Caffeine

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Comics Assisted By Caffeine

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Comics Recomended By Caffeine

Talfryn is a city that has attracted people from all over with its utopian peace and tranquility. But a lot can change in the span of a week. Detective Pink Panther will definitely learn that. AGENCY is a huge, multi-genre, multi-universe anthro fancomic. Rated T+ for graphic violence, themes and destroying favorite characters from your (or your parents') childhood.

Allan is a journal comic my friend Rob and I thought up. It's based off real-life happenings to me, and possibly other people who get involved with me.

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

A delinquent accidentally kills the Grim Reaper. Teaming up with the Tooth Fairy, Kaye is cursed to experience life as the new Death. He must finish killing the Reaper's victims or turn into the Reaper himself.

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

On a cannibalistic planet where the inhabitants only food is each other, Saturno was on a losing streak in the survival of the fittest until he discovers the world of humans and creatures who want to become them.

The exploits of a socially-conscious weapons sales-orc on the world of Chirna.

Medusa is five years old. Her mom is a giant snake. She comes froma magical land. Now she lives with Jake. Updates Monday and Friday!

A Yuri; girl x girl love; lesbian; shoujo-ai. A girl with the odd hobby of sewing living monsters and there some argument if she is human or not. Now her world changes when an unlucky student comes to her school and she looks yummy. (A creepy-cute comic)

A scifi comic that dips into the insane and odd from time to time. Follow Ten as he meets people and comes to grips with personal problems on his way to fulfilling his dream: becoming a pilot.

SUPAH NARIO BROTHERS! it's like naruto but it's not. it's more like mario, but not really. it's just...oekaki parody crap! as seen at

Meet Kazimieras, a 13-year-old Lithuanian boy growing up during the Soviet occupation of his country. In color.

Vi's manor is an interactive comic. Type a comment and see if it affects the comic in any way. Exciting!

Adventures of a junkie-punky nuclear physicist bent on world domination in a militant war-torn society and also some zombies. Now in print!


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