Public Profile


member since March 03, 2007


Name: Marsha

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Hobbys: Drawing, computer, designing, fotoshoots, anime, manga.

Nationality: Dutch/Indo

Temporary Web Site:

Occupation: Graphic designer/Illustrator

Yup…this is ME! ^_^

Comics By Marushi

  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
M2 Comics, inspired by quotes and actions from two best friends
  • Fantasy |
  • 35 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
This story is about a teenage princess and her four bodyguards. They live on the earth, but times have changed. But this little princess looks like a normal girl, but is she really just a “normal” girl?

Comics Assisted By Marushi

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Marushi

In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.

{STORY \ Bruno Cotting {ILLUST \ Viviane {READING \ from left ---> to right [occidental] {GENRE \ Mystery, Thriller

Pencilled sketched manga with poorly written English dialogues... ...please don't shoot me.

Annie McCourt's life is turned upside down when the mysterious Eric Frost appears. Warning: full of ooey-gooey shoujo-style teenage romance. Contains vampires, angst, and angsty vampires. UPDATING AGAIN YAY

Takes place in a post apocolyptic time period, 10 years after a destructive war that brought the population down to 9 million. Two fugitives escape from the city ward and group up with a tribe of desert nomads, struggling to remain uncaptured.

Marushi's friends

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Marushi

No videos.




Farah at 7:42PM, July 25, 2008

Thanks for the add, Marushi. I always envy multi-talented artist like you. XD

Kenz Lee at 5:52PM, March 26, 2008

Thank you very much for the add, your comics and really pretty and fun!

shino at 8:46AM, Feb. 11, 2008

were buddys!!!!

Melissaviolet at 5:47PM, Nov. 13, 2007

Thanks for the add ^_^ Nice to meet another cool chick artist. I am part Dutch as well! Spreken zie Deutsch? (I don't actually, just a few words)

Almost Famous at 1:47AM, July 23, 2007

my weekend was ok, thanks! Nothing really special just stopped to the comic book store agian after Wednesday ofcourse!! bye talk to you later keep drawing!!

Almost Famous at 12:14PM, July 20, 2007

hi Marsha how are u!!

Elleestmort at 8:53AM, June 13, 2007

Thanx for da add. M,do I know you? You're Dutch (me too), you're Indo (me too), you like drawing (me too). M, nah I don't. But still, weird councedenss (schrijf'k 't goed?) that... well I don't know what.

Mutation at 8:11PM, May 21, 2007

Thankies for the add! Whats with the kitty with corn? Cats can't digest it. O.o (They're carnivores, although they chew grass to clean out their system. )

Ersatz at 10:27AM, May 15, 2007

That's one mighty fine score on Monkey Deathbot. Combine that with a fantastic pic from Illustrator and you've got an amazing User Profile! ;)

Ayari at 4:18AM, May 15, 2007

Thankyou for adding me :3

CherryCat14 at 11:49AM, May 11, 2007

cool, my first friend here! ^^

shaneronzio at 5:34AM, May 6, 2007


shaneronzio at 4:29AM, May 3, 2007

I enjoy reading your comic, Thank You.

Emma_Clare at 5:49PM, May 2, 2007

thanks for the add :D

Yuri at 2:45PM, May 2, 2007

Hey! Thanks for adding me :D

jgib99 at 9:08PM, May 1, 2007

Hey Marushi, thank you for adding me as a friend. ^_^

F_Allen at 12:43PM, May 1, 2007

thanks for the add. im a wanabee designer/illustrator got a hnd but no job

Ozoneocean at 7:48AM, May 1, 2007

Eschewing the MySpace style courtesy of the other commenters I will instead say that I love your [url=]Illustrator self pic[/url] in the art section!

dmc87 at 4:58AM, May 1, 2007

Hi! :) Thank you for adding me as a friend! Very nice of you. Your art is awesome!

MagickLorelai at 11:57AM, April 29, 2007

Thanks for friending, and recommending my comic! Wow. ^^ Good luck with graphic design!

Peipei at 9:18AM, April 26, 2007

Thanks for adding me :3

Freux at 4:21AM, April 26, 2007

Thanks for being my buuuuuuuuddy. X3 I'll totally have to check out your stuff now. You're an illustrator? Schweet!

Equanimity88 at 4:21PM, April 25, 2007

TY sooo much for the addy! being a graphic designer must be awesome!

DreamGazer at 3:45AM, April 25, 2007

Thank you for +friend me and for always commenting on my comic. Your art is really good too.

Kristen Gudsnuk at 1:28AM, April 25, 2007

aw thanks for friending me!!! wow, you're a professional artist?? lucky!! your stuff looks really cool, I'm gonna have to take a look at your comics~!

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