Public Profile


member since December 12, 2006


Nu more Poke Plushies :D
So Im back and stuff after being gone for around a year and a half. I presume most people I knew from back then are dead. So Im looking for new peoplz. CHECK OUT PIRATE n GHOST SUPER FUN ADVENTURE its like a kick to your funny bone

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The World of NUL, taking Video Game Endings To a New Level. The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Mario Bros. and many MANY more video games shall come together in this Epic Adventure. Now: On Hiatus. Hope to be back SOON! -May 2011-

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Dchao at 6:33PM, June 3, 2008

Damn dude, where the hell are you? *hug*

Lucarioman_EXE at 4:29AM, May 4, 2008

Hey, what's that level up thing you have there? Pokeplushies? wtf?

Lucarioman_EXE at 4:27AM, May 4, 2008

Thanks for the add!

Dchao at 12:18AM, Dec. 8, 2007

xD Your faggot ass changed your pass D:

Chaz McRich at 9:55PM, Nov. 23, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

THKNN_NUL at 12:48PM, July 5, 2007

I think the Advertisement box is for us to use to advertise our Friends comics... BRING BACK MXR! or at least bring back the racing comic under a different title...

Leon the Armadilldo at 11:28PM, June 26, 2007

yo coco! i need those sprites real quick... so gimme as soon as possible...

F_Allen at 2:07PM, May 11, 2007

cheers for the add bro

THKNN_NUL at 10:04AM, May 4, 2007

w00t! It's my Birthday! Legos RULE! Long Live LEGO!

zealotjohn at 6:08PM, May 3, 2007

thx for all the advice, but i still dont see any difrence, but its for the readers.

THKNN_NUL at 2:19PM, April 24, 2007

your comic is AWSOME! I can't wait to see the Semi-Final Race!

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