Spark in the Deep: Page 32 - The eye in the dark

Andreas_Helixfinger on Sept. 5, 2020

And we're back!

Back from summer hiatus, and we're kicking it off where we left off. After some difficulties getting into room 206 on Bermuda Hotel via the balcony, floating on a giant soap bubble, Molly finally makes it inside. And she finds what she's looking for, glimmering inside the ventilation shaft. The plot thickens.

I know this is a bit of an early comeback, but I don't think it's much of a shocker to anyone at this point. I feel like the time I've spent this summer, figuring out the whole writing part has yielded some self-realization more then anything. See I used to have these delusions that I was gonna create something mind-blowing or something in those lines.

But when I look at what I've actually made and published here on DD so far, and when I look at all the story ideas I got queued up and what it all points towards, it's nothing like that really. To be honest I'm probably more of a comedic writer and artist, with maybe a little drama sprinkled through, who in any case shouldn't take his work too seriously. And honestly I don't think I even want to at this point.

It's pretentious and outright delusional trying to give one's stories a gravitas that they don't really deserve and don't really need in the first place anyway. From now on I think I will be comfortable simply making some weird and imaginative entertainment for you guys. We could all use some in these depressing times after all👍