Arena page 9

ConnorLachmanec on Oct. 30, 2020

The four stand ready, weapons in hand as the Thiasus charges, roaring and bellowing. The centaur taunts Helga as he thunders toward her, the half-nymph balancing precariously on his back. “Your ass is mine, Valkyrie!”
Akantha looses an arrow, catching the centaur in the left shoulder. He rears back in pain and veers off his path,unseating his rider into the dust which billows around the gladiators, choking their lungs and blurring their vision.
The satyr leaps through the maelstrom at Helga. She raises her shield just in time but takes a cloven hoof to her face and staggers backward. The telkhine follows close behind, his fanged maw open in a roar and his red eyes burning with hate.