[6] Birds fighting

Black_Kitty on Jan. 1, 2007

I used a reference for this sketch but it didn't stay 100% true to it. So maybe that's the problem. ^^;;; Although to be honest, there were parts of the birds in the references I just didn't understand. :S

The sketch isn't done but I uploaded it anyway. My general rule of thumb for Paper Birds is to spend at least one hour for each sketch. So far, most of my sketches have exceeded that one hour minimum.

But my other rule is to not miss an update. So unless my sketch isn't recognizable or I didn't spend an hour on it, I put it up regardless.

I work really slow and that's a bit of an issue. There were a lot of reasons why I stopped updating Random Thoughts and time played a role. I spent hours making a strip and doing little things to it.

So I need to work a bit faster. Faster and with quality.

And thanks a lot to everyone who has left a comment! :D I really really appreciate them. Oh! And check out today's The Gods of ArrKelaan update to see a fanart I drew for Ronson. :)