Sharksman on July 3, 2008

Ok hello.

This is the cover, you would proberly know that, unless you live in my cellar sniffing ant's and bettle's then when your happy you lick the floor clean, every inch of it…

Never mind, umm, I dont know what to put here now, but I aint getting ride of what im saying so ya know…

Umm, uhhh, urg, flom, lol, FLOM, I wonder what that would stand for, umm *thinking*…OH! Freaking Lovley Orange Monkey's!

Now I will talk about that comic, their's like two main main main people, that's Derek and Mike, Derek is the one with Blue hair and look's like Brendan, but aint o_O, and Mike is the one who is the posh dude in Pokemon Shappire and Ruby, only more bluey stuff.

The main main is a villian (not super villian, just a sorta villian) named James, he's got green hair and stuff, well, you'll see him.

The main people is Brendan and May, you can see what pokemon they got.

The Team Aqua and Team Magma will hardly be in it, but they will be the enimey's.

Also you see that karata guy? He's apart of the new Team…Team Fist! I know…lame.

Storyline, umm, well I dont know, but Derek has a pokemon already, but he hasnt trained it or anything, all they done is play game's, and Derek and Mike are friend's, mainly cos their mum's are BEST friend's.

Also, Derek has to go and get Mike a pokemon, but instead they go on adventure and stuff.

God im crap at these stuff…

Ok I have no more idea's what to say so umm just going to chat to you, personaly…

So, how you doing? You alright? How's school, or work, either one, umm, how's your parent's, they good? Someone you know ill?…say I said get well soon.

Umm, so, what's you name?

OK okay, im stopping now, mainly because my finger's are bleeding and a turtle is biting my ass.

P.S. If you like to give me tip's, thats ok, otherwise, how's your dog? Dont have one, how's your cat? DONT HAVE ONE! Ok hows your hamster? DONT HAVE ONE? GTFU n00b!