Madam Moriana & uncle Maho
Aurenna on Sept. 5, 2008
Dear Everyone!
Sadly, the computer problem is NOT sorted out; I was just lucky to be able to put up this page.
Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding, it really meant a lot to me. (That' s not even properly expressing how grateful I felt.)
My new computer is already here, it just still needs to be set up and this depends completely on my father' s schedule. The poor thing is extremely busy, as always at the beginning of September (he works at a school and basically has to set it in motion. Time table, hiring new teachers, teaching too, and putting up with all the teachers telling him they' d rather not teach in first lessons because they want to take their children/sick mom/sick uncle/sick dog to the proper place. No one wants to get up early). However, he managed to breathe a little life into my old compy. It sometimes runs normally, sometimes still freezes, let' s just hope it will be nice and work when the next page comes. *fingers crossed*
Meet Moriana, the owner of the fantasy house, a witch and teacher of Hazel, our main character. Also, meet uncle Maho, an old friend of hers; he' s suffering the consequences of a lifelong practice of witchcraft (hence his eyes). In this story, witches are magic-users who specialize in healing… and the rest will be explained with a World page, hopefully put up next week.
Hugs to you all, cakes, cookies, chocolate, or a nice stew if you don' t like sweets!
XanderXeroFiasco at 5:41PM, Sept. 3, 2009
very very AWESOME artwork!! i love it!!
ArtMonk at 10:03AM, Nov. 9, 2008
your style reminds me of Kentarō Miura. the artist of Berserk.
Emily Elizabeth at 2:37AM, Oct. 4, 2008
Mummymetaller at 12:00PM, Sept. 21, 2008
Yay cookies! *glomps* I just love your comic; I hope your computer problems get sorted soon ^_^
Aurenna at 9:43AM, Sept. 15, 2008
I went on my second driving test today and failed... again. In the last minute, with the nicest examiner possible and with the stupidest failure possible. Adri feel so idiotic... Next page only has a single panel yet, but maybe today I can draw all night so maaaayyybeee it will be up soon. Until then, Replies: e_kat86: It happens, indeed... :( See above. Loud_G: Moriana is her witch teacher, uncle Maho is an old friend of Moriana. chocolate addict: Computer problems seem to be sorted out; we discovered a really minor thing that set the whole thing into motion. Moriana was a relatively famous beauty in her early youth. DarkChibiShadow: Thank you, I worked quite a lot on it. :) BlkKnight: Our problem was that someone put the computer a little more forward; I though it was father but it turned out he was not. Anyhow, this resulted in something being half pulled out behind... TheMidge28: Sadly , the next page is not that soon. Yay for the font! ^_^ JustNoPoint: Awww, thank you for considering me a great artist. *hugs* Who is the other unfortunate anticomputer? Shewolf2: Thanks heavens, computer problems seem to be sorted out. :D I' m glad that it came through that she is more pretty than average people here.
Shewolf2 at 10:12AM, Sept. 10, 2008
Hi again! I banish your computer-problems! There your go.... The witch is pwetty ^_^
JustNoPoint at 6:30PM, Sept. 8, 2008
I hate that your computer messed up. That's 2 really great artists that has had their PCs die recently. Hooray for an update though! Magical!
TheMidge28 at 5:12PM, Sept. 7, 2008
glad you were able to get a new page up so soon! and I like the font choice. it fits very well!
BlkKnight at 8:39PM, Sept. 6, 2008
Love the last panel. Good luck with your computer repair. I recently upgraded my machine and spent three days trying to figure out how to get the hard drives to run in a particular mode, and now I'm waiting on memory that won't cause programs to randomly crash. So I can sympathize.
DarkChibiShadow at 6:39PM, Sept. 6, 2008
Last panel is like totally haunting.
chocolate_addict at 6:11PM, Sept. 6, 2008
I didn't expect you to update today but it made me really happy :D *crosses fingers that the computer works* lovely page as always :) I love Moriana... she is so pretty and she seems nice so does Maho :) and yay! *takes a chocolate and a cookie* thank you *hugs back*
Loud_G at 3:24PM, Sept. 6, 2008
Yay! A great page to come back to. And a peak outside of the view of the girl. Wonder who those people are :)
e_kat86 at 2:34PM, Sept. 6, 2008
Sweet, we missed you! No worries about delays, shit happens. :)