Heavy Metal Thunder

reboundcomic on Oct. 18, 2006

Guess what, this is the 40th strip. I don't count filler art, but this is the 40th individual comic for Rebound. The funny thing is that my original storyline had a lot of things still to come already happening. A storyline that was supposed to run about strip 12, is still about a month away.

The joke in this one is somewhat self indulgent. I am a music snob, especially when it comes to heavy metal. Just to fill some of you in, “tru” metalheads do not consider bands like Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park to be “real” metal. I'd classify them as Rap Rock.

There is a reason for this strip other than bashing those two bands (who I do own albums from). The next few strips will be about musical tastes, but there is a reason for the story.