ch 8 pg 27 T-6

Neilak20 on April 5, 2009


That's right folks, SbH will be concluding with the end of Chapter 8! The current Chapter that is. There are only 6 pages left till the end! I've decided not to tell the Drunk Duck Admin's that SbH is ending. I've had trouble in the past telling them about milestones and whatnot, and actually getting it mentioned at all or on time, so I figure, why bother?

I have been planning this since before the reintroduction of Stacy way back when. >_> We're currently getting into the parts of SbH I've looked forward to for a long long time, as well as the big fight with Izar Gally, who's a character I've had planned for an even LONGER time, from basically right after I started SbH! Earliest drawings of Izar: First sketches of Izar Second drawing of Izar She's had a long time coming to finally have her big debut fight.


This week is the beginning of the Rapid Fire Updates! Tune in Wednesday for page 28! and Friday for page 29!
Also don't forget to check out the SbH Forum where I've been posting the Next Page Previews and stuff:
SbH Forum Go!

Till Later thanks for reading!