Page 300

KimLuster on March 1, 2016

Page 300!! (my 300 movie reference from last page would probably be better served this page…!)

I'm amazed that I've been able to maintain a relatively steady pace with this story (no true RL roadblocks, no burnout, no hiatus)…! *knock on wood*

Anyway, this page… Kimber Lee's first true challenge in this dream Odyssey! The dream-hunks don't count ;) Interesting that she called them ‘Red-Herring Hunks’, as if she knew she was a story and they were an attempt to divert her from the true goal (well I did recently watch Deadpool ;)). But Nah… Kimber Lee doesn't know she's in a story, but she does know she's a dream that's likely to follow some sort of narrative!

Art: I had a little trouble with distance perspective. Top-right panel, Kimber Lee is supposed be fairly high in the air, but the ground doesn't look too far away (except for the tent - it looks to be a mile away…)! And the last panel - that chasm is supposed to be big and yawning, but doesn't look much bigger than a ditch… certainly not hard for someone with her abilities to leap across…! So… just work with me here - she's high and it's wide!!

Thanks for Reading Everyone!