Ailorn on March 17, 2009
My husband is going to be home for a month. He's out of iraq. I moved out of my mother in laws house and into a very nice apartment. I'm also a volunteer counselor. So i've been busy.
This page actually didn't take me too long. Only 5 hours or so.I believe this is the final page in the first chapter. But as you can see the story is moving along.
SlideStudios at 3:13PM, July 6, 2009
cool comic
CryForE at 10:04AM, April 14, 2009
Read this comic 'bout a month ago, your last posting was in november, so thought it had stopped, yet faved it :) . Which I'm very happy for now, 'cause then I can keep up with it now that I've discovered your're still on DD :) Good luck & happy days. E.
Fiend at 8:48PM, March 23, 2009
yay! say hey for me, turkey is neat :D
Ailorn at 8:44AM, March 19, 2009
He's here for a month and he'll be back for good in june ^-^
Deraymou at 12:07AM, March 19, 2009
Oh hey! I knew you'd be back! I missed you and the comic! Is the hubby heading back over in a month, or is he staying stateside?
M_Northstar at 4:06PM, March 18, 2009
Good to see this comic back, I've been waiting for it.
Ailorn at 4:02PM, March 18, 2009
Yay! A comment!
SonicEdge7 at 3:29PM, March 18, 2009
yays! an update!