They Hate Us For Our *BELCH*
Gordon on Sept. 17, 2006
Sorry,it's been a while.
There are 2 reasons…
1. The other comic I work on (a lot harder than this one) was getting behind.
2. I found myself often angry and not in a humorous mood towards our leaders.
The debate over torture and disappearing of people we allegedly picked up for terrorism goes on.
Secret prisons, unethical treatment and show trials are now being defended across the nation as if we need to give up the ideals that America was supposed to be based on to prevent terrorists from forcing us to give up the ideals that America was supposed to be based on.
There's a lot of articles you can link to about this. Most are written as if the choice to treat people as subhumans is a viable option, and I guess you'll have to decide if you like your tax money spent in this manner.
I don't. I tend to think that nothing shows our enemies that we won't budge from our belief in freedom than actually being free and treating everyone humanely.
Oh yeah, just so you know, there is no reported evidence of the tortures we put people through having actually prevented any terrorist attacks. Think about that for a few minutes, too.
TheFlyingGreenMonkey at 1:28AM, July 1, 2010
I miss this comic.
Senshuu at 7:42AM, Dec. 21, 2008
slimredninja at 5:32PM, Sept. 13, 2008
Wow I read this and realized I just heard a comedian use the same line the other day but then I saw how old this toon was and realized he ripped you. Way to be cutting edge
giovanni at 5:20PM, March 15, 2008
wait, ronson is doing this comic? no wonder its interesting
rmmanuel at 10:33PM, Jan. 5, 2008
It's usually funny because it's true...this is both funny and sad because it's true, so... :(:
Vindibudd at 8:25PM, July 14, 2007
Ronson. It wouldn't be you without the hard core commentary.
dgriff13 at 2:59PM, July 9, 2007
just stumbled upon this, great stuff!
Sidgwick at 5:48PM, May 3, 2007
good stuff
Flame the Hybrid at 5:31AM, Jan. 6, 2007
9/11 was an inside job.
Tantz_Aerine at 9:01PM, Dec. 30, 2006
a strip well done.
Ozoneocean at 1:59PM, Dec. 6, 2006
Ahh, you should have had this post on September 11th. More symbolic! Bush and friends are a scary crazy bunch, but hopefully now they're on the wain... STupid buggers like Bolton and Rumsfeld have already had the boot! Anyway, funny comic ^_^
mapaghimagsik at 5:56AM, Nov. 25, 2006
Its easy to get frustrated, but remember that it helps to get the word out. A lot of people don't have patience for reading blogs, or diving into the world of wonkery. Comics on the other hand...
Bipolar Crab at 12:14AM, Oct. 26, 2006
I think he is a shinning example of why you shouldn`t drink and do drugs excessively!
lefarce at 8:33PM, Oct. 4, 2006
The Constitution is like, sooooo Pre-Nine Eleven...!
Ronson at 9:45AM, Sept. 29, 2006
This is a test comment to see where it ends up. :)
Trantor at 8:22AM, Sept. 19, 2006
The real question, unfortunately, is whether or not we still have enough freedom to change the course we're on.
thegreatjoebivins at 10:44PM, Sept. 17, 2006