Cord Cut

Amelius on May 26, 2011

The silver cord refers to the connection between the soul and body, most often brought up in reference to astral projection; which is said to look like, of course, a silver cord. In fiction of course someone projecting uses this cord to return to the body. It also refers to some sort of connection to mother and child, but forget about that one for now! The one he's talking about is the astral-projection one. We might hear a little more about this later, though.

But whooooo cut it?!

Yeah, I know I know, this is like way late again, but i got a lot of crap goin' on too :C I do feel really bad that this comic suffers for it and all I have is excuses why it's late. It's not a matter of having no ideas or losing love for the comic, it's just that I have things that are taking priority to it when my hand's not too sore to draw. UIU doesn't take too long to draw and color since it's usually only half the effort, but it's still more effort than when I started it and I'm always compelled to not cheap out on it. I may experiment with some hopefully faster-paced styles after this arc, though. We'll see. (I promise no cut and paste though, I'll never do that! Nevarrrr!)